Why Africa’s Green Revolution Failed
A new report shows Africa’s Green Revolution is “failing on its own terms.”
Read more...A new report shows Africa’s Green Revolution is “failing on its own terms.”
Read more...United Nations warns about food security, particularly for the world’s poorest, as the COVID-19 recession overwhelms the globe.
Read more...Politics and the caliber of social programs have influenced how countries in Africa have tried to limit the economic damage of the coronavirus.
Read more...Mauritius coped well with Covid-19 despite its tiny size and the importance of tourism.
Read more...Leaders of countries should consider what they must do to ensure we can drink the water in a world after we have learned to cope with coronavirus.
Read more...Multilateral trade negotiations under WTO auspices have gone nowhere since the late 1990s,, and COVID-19 may be the final straw.
Read more...The plague of locusts in Africa (and Pakistan) is getting worse, and threatens millions with starvation. Solutions are pesticides, biopesticides (but, sadly, not ducks). China’s role is interesting.
Read more...How locusts swarm, create food insecurity, and how climate change means more swarms, absent state intervention.
Read more...Experts discuss US measures for dealing with coronavirus cases.
Read more...East Africa had an unusually wet year in 2019 — warming waters in the Indian Ocean produced a high number of tropical cyclones, which doused the coast and created “exceptional” conditions for locust breeding.
Read more...TaxCast ranges well beyond tax today, with topics including IMF warnings, the Brexit rogue UK vision, and looting in Angola.
Read more...How Europe is creating the conditions in Africa that lead to migration….and the underlying stresses are set to get worse.
Read more...The World Bank wants to double down on financial gimmickry rather than develop the public health infrastructure to combat pandemics.
Read more...The two Bretton Woods institutions the have huge credibility deficits due to the policy conditionalities and advice they have dispensed to developing countries in recent decades.
Read more...An new working paper by Sebastian Horn, Carmen Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch on China’s foreign lending has some important findings, such as that China accounts for more than 40% of the external debt of 50 developing countries. We’ve embedded the document at the end of this post. The study is an ambitious undertaking, seeking to […]