Faster Fashion Cycle Accelerates
Sustainable fashion initiatives face huge obstacles in displacing fast fashion’s popularity, despite fair labor and environmental concerns.
Read more...Sustainable fashion initiatives face huge obstacles in displacing fast fashion’s popularity, despite fair labor and environmental concerns.
Read more...On lack of intervention and even much reporting on famine in Somalia, the worst in the 21st century.
Read more...Looking at some of the lasting damage done by the slave trade, such as higher incidence of HIV.
Read more...Fast fashion is flourishing in the US, despite problematic labor practices and the considerable environmental costs it generates.
Read more...How the US and Nigeria wound up with increasingly similar systems, such as centralized, presidential-focused politics.
Read more...Africa, despite having many of the poorest countries in the world, is nevertheless a capital exporter due to bank secrecy and tax gaming.
Read more...An in-depth portrait of one of the worst ravages of war: killing fields.
Read more...Absolute inequality around the world has increased, challenging the purported benefit of globalization.
Read more...One of the biggest challenges in fighting poverty is to know where it is. This column describes a new way to measure poverty by using satellites to count people who live in darkness at night. This shows that the economic benefits of oil booms don’t trickle down to the very poor.
Read more...The Pentagon refuses to disclose how many U.S. troops — and contractors — are currently deployed to Iraq and Syria. CIvilian deaths, too
Read more...The global footprint of agents selling NZ companies and trusts
Read more...New Zealand’s scam companies: a map of their global footprint
Read more...Another duo of wildly offbeat New Zealand Financial Services Providers
Read more...Craig Murray keeps jumping the gun with his panamapapers pieces
Read more...Why tax treaties are a gimmie to multinationals and a poisoned chalice for developing countries.