Waste Watch: Russia, UK Adopt Single Use Plastics Bans
Russia and the UK take limited steps to slow the plastics juggernaut.
Read more...Russia and the UK take limited steps to slow the plastics juggernaut.
Read more...Optimal economic policy for LDCs requires their goverments to resist aping Washington and OECD fads.
Read more...Water Waste report discusses how textile production pollutes Africa’s rivers – and what must be done to correct this fashion problem.
Read more...“When it comes to the climate, African faith communities are urging the world to think twice before pushing a technical and corporate farming approach.”
Read more...The Gates Foundation and the WEF are steamrolling normal UN processes as part of a campaign to discredit sound agroecology practices.
Read more...Sierra Leone so far has had some Covid success despite low vaccination rates, and it illustrates the challenges poor countries face.
Read more...The pandemic is largely to be over in the Global North, at least among the vaccinated…or so it seems.
Read more...Mega-corporations are set to win control of global governance of food and agriculture at the UN Food Systems Summit later this year.
Read more...The UN last week issued a report assessing the dire state the world’s soil. The calls to action are inadequate to the scale of the problem.
Read more...A big Covid surge in the Seychelles, a heavly vaccinated country, calls into question relying on vaccines as the route to normalcy.
Read more...One lasting benefit of the terrible COVID-19 pandemic might be a quicker route to a malaria vaccine and a safer future for children in the world’s poorest countries.
Read more...Biden faces increased wroldwide pressure for WTO waiver of intellectual property rules for Covid-19 vaccines as case counts soar in India.
Read more...Corporate ownership in many sectors of food production has risen and is set to increase further. Another rentier program well underway.
Read more...The Gates-Foundation-promoted Green Revolution has proven harmful and also crowded out safer and effective ecological agriculture projects
Read more...International tax reform, to check multinational tax avoidance, has made perilously little progress. Will Yellen’s backing make a difference?