Australia Burning; Tourists in New South Wales and Victoria Flee to Beaches
A grim take from smoky Australia.
Read more...A grim take from smoky Australia.
Read more...Is toxic haze the new normal for Sydney?
Read more...An Australian example of cancer treatment puts US health care to shame.
Read more...A row Down Under as a prominent and well placed MP says some not-nice things about China.
Read more...China upsets its neighbors.
Read more...New House of Lords report laments failure to slow discarding edible fish back into the sea; Australia also tosses much of its catch.
Read more...Queensland gives Indian mining giant Adani go-ahead for massive coal mine, ignoring environmental and climate change concerns.
Read more...The Australian secuirty services are in open war against the Government over its pro-China policies.
Read more...The Porgera Joint Venture – a gold mining operation in Paupa New Guinea, sucks gold out of a mountaintop, providing little benefit to miners or the people who live near the mine. Activist groups, and a lawsuit recently filed in Australia, seek to change that, as well as correct horrific human rights abuses.
Read more...The challenge of suburbs for social and environmental policy.
Read more...An Australian perspective on the West’s growing conflict with China.
Read more...The right to repair movement is growing — not just in the US, but in the EU, Australia, and New Zealand as well.
Read more...Jomo Kwame Sundaram makes the case against the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement that went into effect at the end of 2018, for six of its eleven member countries.
Read more...Australia looks to be on the verge of a nasty unwind of its housing bubble. A plunge would damage not only its banks but also retirement funds, since banks play an outsized role in the Australian stock market.
Read more...PADI, the world’s largest scuba diving training and certification group, and British conservation charity Reef-World Foundation, have joined forces to support the Green Fins scheme, to mitigate the impact of recreational diving on already-stressed coral reefs.