Another Nail in the Brexit Fantasy Coffin: Germany’s Car Makers Are Not Cowed
More evidence that the idea that the UK would have a negotiating advantage in Brexit talks is not well founded.
Read more...More evidence that the idea that the UK would have a negotiating advantage in Brexit talks is not well founded.
Read more...Gasoline demand distracts from the more important subject that there is no fundamental reason for the current oil-price rally.
Read more...I’ve written before at this august site about how Uber’s business model is to arbitrage state and federal law and replace a monopoly with a different monopoly. They obviously placed a high value on the arbitrage. How high? About $100 million.
Read more...By linking immigration and trade, however crudely, Trump has exposed the broader paradox and inherent contradictions which lurk between the two.
Read more...It’s easier for liberals to blame Trump voters for racism than to blame themselves for the job-loss and pain of the working class.
Read more...Flint is just the tip of the iceberg of lead poisoning in America.
Read more...Why the crisis in Flint, Michigan is about race and class, and the American nightmare of metastasizing inequality of wealth and power.
Read more...Capitalism’s “recovery” now proceeds like another speeding train headed toward contradiction and catastrophe.
Read more...Finding the common threads of Germany’s latest scandals.
Read more...The current US lifestyle needs to go if the world is to succeed in limiting climate change.
Read more...The ramifications for the diesel industry as its reputation as cleaner fuel comes under scrutiny.
Read more...Winning a battle in the long campaign against TPP: It was “domestic politics” that preserved our national sovereignty
Read more...Detroit is getting the same treatment as Latvia and Ireland, and we are already seeing similar results in Greece, with most people who have good foreign job prospects taking a hike. But while Latvia and Ireland stabilized at much lower levels of output and have started to recover from their, Detroit, like Greece, looks like a failed state. And this is perversely seen as acceptable in America.
Read more...The CWM FX fraud bust, a murder, Princess Anne and some groping. It’s BAU in the world of sports sponsorship.
Read more...OK, today’s subprime securitization rage is in the auto-loan sector, not mortgages. About 31% of all outstanding auto loan balances are rated subprime. They’re the foundation of booming auto sales.