Category Archives: Auto industry

Tom Friedman Embraces the Electric Car 15 Years Late

When you start advocating Federally backed “moon shots” as a way to compensate for the shortcomings of American management, you know you are in deep doo doo. Tom Friedman has a characteristically breathless article at at the New York Times arguing America better get off its duff because China is very serious about electric cars: […]


Fitch says its head will essplode

GM, with $75 bn in cash in reserves, bought AmeriCredit, a small subprime lender,  in an all cash deal for $3.5 bn. GM is also currently in bankruptcy. AmeriCredit, which is rated BB by Fitch, was put on watch by Fitch, after the deal announcement. Fitch is unsure whether the deal will help or hurt […]


Quick follow up on RAs, the new regulatory regime, and its discontents

Felix guessed how this Structured Finance issue pipeline would get sorted out, for the moment. Three not necessarily inconsistent takes on causes and effects: A neat way to embarrass the government. The rating agency logjam and the GM deal announced yesterday are closely related: if there’s one thing GM will think it still needs for […]


Links 2/12/10

Regulators Hired by Toyota Helped Halt Investigations Bloomberg and Bursting Pipes Lead to a Legal Battle New York Times. Faulty financial products, faulty cars, faulty pipes….what next? IMF Tells Bankers to Rethink Inflation Wall Street Journal (hat tip reader Don B) The Myth of Efficiency James Kwak Welcome to boarded-up Britain: One in eight shops […]


GMAC Joins the Black Hole Club

The numbers aren’t as impressive as AIG’s but the general premise is the same. The automaker’s financial service arm it asking for a third taxpayer-provided cash transfusion. Might help if someone stanched the bleeding first. But no, bleeding is part of the game plan. The reason for more dough to GMAC is so GM and […]


US Tire Tariffs: Will China Retaliate?

The US tonight imposed steep tariffs on tires, a move directed against Chinese imports. From the Wall Street Journal: The Obama administration will put steep import duties on Chinese passenger and light truck tires, responding to what the U.S. International Trade Commission determined to be a surge of Chinese tire exports that has rocked the […]


Guest post: Is the GM section 363 bankruptcy plan really a stealth re-organization plan?

Submitted by Edward Harrison of the site Credit Writedowns. We have just learned that Fiat has successfully completed its deal with Chrysler.  This means that the bankrupt ‘Old Chrysler’ will now have far fewer cash and assets available for creditors and that it will be liquidated with large or total losses likely for creditors.  Dissident […]


Robert Reich: GM Bailout A Wasteful Way to Ameliorate Pain

The last person one might expect to criticize the Obama Administration bailout of GM is a unapologetic liberal like Robert Reich, labor secretary under Clinton. Yet he does precisely that in today’s Financial Times. And his logic is similar to the arguments made here and elsewhere against the bank rescue operations. Unlike some other commentators, […]


Sweating the Future of Cars in the US

The New York Times discusses whether Americans will return to buying cars at the pre-bust level when conditions return to some level of normalcy. Of course, the subtext is that the US economy will get back on track later this year, when many those who anticipate growth starting 3Q/4Q, when pressed, say the recovery will […]


Guest post: A finance view of the political nature of the coming GM bankruptcy

Submitted by Edward Harrison of the site Credit Writedowns. I was on the BBC yesterday talking autos and my commentary was almost entirely political. So, as we await the likely General Motors bankruptcy, I think it bears discussing how political this process has been and will continue to be. General Motors is a monster company […]