How the Vehicle Production Nightmare Upended Everything and Why Automakers & Dealers Don’t Want the Old Ways Back
New vehicle sales show how Covid is working out very well for capitalists.
Read more...New vehicle sales show how Covid is working out very well for capitalists.
Read more...The Biden administration today proposed the first emissions standard upgrade for heavy duty trucks, vans, and busses since 2001.
Read more...A look at the commodities that are most vulnerable to reduced supply from Russia.
Read more...Many commodities, particularly metals and energy, are in short supply, which points to even higher prices.
Read more...Countries in the region are taking greater control of the revenues generated by the minerals and hydrocarbons produced within their borders, in particular when it comes to lithium.
Read more...Right to repair advocates see a setback in Massachusetts, while the Librarian of Congress establish a right to repair under copyright law.
Read more...How auto suppliers in Mexico have wound up between a rock and a hard place.
Read more...On some of the key management practices and fads that produced dependence on extended and revealed-to-be-fragile supply chains.
Read more...Why Elon Musk, despite having built significant operating companies, is still mainly in the bezzle business.
Read more...How Uber keeps pumping hot air into a financially flaccid business.
Read more...Uber continues to hemorrhage cash and rack up impressive negative operating margins, yet the press eats up its accounting misdirection.
Read more...Didi has a more commanding position than Uber in a fundamentally more attractive market, yet has been hemmorrhaging money.
Read more...USMCA, which promised to help American workers by improving labor bargaining rights, is being put to its first road test. Will it perform?
Read more...For owners of Kia’s Sportage and Cadenza models, unsafe at any speed includes parking the vehicle in the garage.
Read more...While the chip shortage will sort itself out in the next six months, the US can’t remedy its dependence on foreigners for critical supplies.