No Appeal Filed in The MH17 Case – Ursula von der Leyen Proposes The Start of a New Show Trial
The dubious but not surprising end of the MH17 trial.
Read more...The dubious but not surprising end of the MH17 trial.
Read more...A way out of price gouging on drugs?
Read more...Journalists are ignoring an obvious and damaging line of questioning with SBF. Of course, the “damaging” part may be why they are punting.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Despite EU and US initiatives to curb corporate use of tax havens, big companies continue to fatten their wallets.
Read more...The Gates Foundation has tacitly admitted the failure of its “green revolution” in Africa. Yet it is still following Big Ag approaches.
Read more...Why Poland is on its way to becoming an economic basket case.
Read more...Why did Corporate Democrats “cede” the economic argument? Are they really fighting inflation or trying to weaken workers’ bargaining power?
Read more...Another account of the extent of the private equity health care grifting, as well as some avenues to check these abuses.
Read more...In a massive exercise in looting, two Senators are pushing for massive buys of outdated weapons systems, with the Ukraine war as cover.
Read more...Yet more proof that the US is far more inteested in green energy profiteering than doing the hard work to reduce the pace of climate change.
Read more...Is Twitter really a hellscape of hate and bigotry? And what will happen to Twitter now that Musk has taken it over?
Read more...Centene earns billions of dollars from governments and then uses its profits to back the campaigns of the officials who oversee those government contracts.
Read more...Lula wins by a whisker, but the Bolsonao Christian Right remains a powerful threat.
Read more...States and localities across the US continue to pass laws criminalizing “public camping” and other draconian crackdowns on the increasing number of homeless people in the country.
Read more...The US is trying to pretend it’s playing a kinder, gentler military game in Africa. If so, why the need for extreme secrecy?