Category Archives: Banana republic

‘Pandemic Is Far From Over’: People’s CDC Tells Congress to Fund Covid Response

Yves here. This is the first time I’ve come across the People’s CDC, and I like the cut of their jib. They have a series of demands for Covid action. And while continued “access” to vaccines is on the list, it’s their dead last action item, with N95 masks and ventilation and testing and improved […]


The Australian Labor Party Embraces the Authoritarianism of a Political System in Crisis

By John McGregor, a translator and political violence researcher Australia is currently lurching from one revelation to another through a constitutional crisis that nobody near power will acknowledge the severity of. As it emerges that the former Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison secretly appropriated a number of ministerships for himself, the now-ruling Labor Party is […]


Ukraine Could Abandon Key Labour Principle as Part of EU Drive

John here. In the midst of the current conflict, somehow Zelensky’s National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the War has found time to work on dismantling the collective bargaining structures in the country and undermining workers’ rights. However and whenever Ukraine eventually emerges from the conflict, it seems certain that Ukrainian workers will […]