“The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine”
On the rotten state of evidence-baded medicine, and whether there is any way out.
Read more...On the rotten state of evidence-baded medicine, and whether there is any way out.
Read more...The US Is flying blind on monkeypox, and the CDC and public health officials are unwilling to break a sweat to correct that.
Read more...Aiee, the TPP is back as the CPTPP. Same bad features but no US market access. What’s not to like?
Read more...Reflections on Bastille Day 2022: Last Saturday, Sri Lankans stormed their presidential palace, causing President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee to the Maldives.
Read more...Author and law professor Maurice Stucke warns that as fundamental privacy rights vanish, your personal data can and will be used against you.
Read more...The triumph of biological psychiatry has everything to do with the close ties between Big Pharma and academic psychiatry and little to do with compelling scientific evidence.
Read more...Would declaring a public health emergency work as a Biden Administration abortion Hail Mary pass?
Read more...From offshore dealings to right-wing think tanks, a guide to Rishi Sunak, the man who could become the UK’s richest PM
Read more...Visibly filmsy “isolation” gowns, OK’d by the CDC for Covid and other infectious disease care, have been found by a new study to be unsafe.
Read more...Boris Johnson agonistes.
Read more...The Supreme Court last week scuppered the ability of the EPA to implement climate change regulation under the Clean Air Act- absent further action by Congress.
Read more...Biden gets played again. A feature or a bug?
Read more...A primer on how to deal with an American affliction, medical debt.
Read more...If this harebrained Russia oil price cap scheme gets off the ground, it’s likely to be yet another Western economic own goal.
Read more...Yves here. I hate to come off as a knee-jerk skeptic, but I question some of the premises of the post. First, Neuberger states, without a link to a study, that most people think solving crimes is the most uncontroversial/important thing police do (his statement about the popular view of the role of crime solving […]