Category Archives: Banana republic

Cold Truth: The Texas Freeze is a Catastrophe of the Free Market

Yves here. The collateral damage of the Texas power grid power failures is getting worse and worse. Extensive burst pipes now mean that 14 million (no typo) are without potable water. From the Wall Street Journal: More than 14 million people in Texas are without safe drinking water, as the fallout of a severe winter […]


“Almost Cartoonish Defender of the 1%, Kathryn Wylde” Rears Her Head to Attack Plans to Tax the Rich to Save New York City

The usual suspects, like Kathryn Wylde, try to defend why the top wealthy, who’ve made out like bandits under Covid, should not be made to share.


Global Coup d’État: Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance

Why you should be very, very worried when our supposed betters start talking up the newest neoliberal Trojan horse, global governance.