FDA Confirms IM Doc Concerns About Pharmacies Pushing Covid Boosters + Other Vaccines in Same Visit
Flu vaccine upselling as yet another chapter in medicine, American-style.
Read more...Flu vaccine upselling as yet another chapter in medicine, American-style.
Read more...DOJ finally goes after Agri Stats, a company notorious for helping the meat industry gouge producers, stores and consumers. Will the move serve as a warning for other industries?
Read more...American leadership drunk on its belief in its exceptionalism, drone and war with China edition.
Read more...Sadly, famed short seller David Einhorn’s saying applies to US public health: “No matter how bad you think it is, it’s worse.”
Read more...Ordinary citizens are not worried enough about the prospect that the police/surveillance state will be used against them.
Read more...Sadly, there is pushback against a proposed Medicare rule to assure (barely) adequate staffing in nursing homes. Please comment in favor!
Read more...A sweeping indctment against Atlanta Stop Cop CIty activitsts, that a county DA withdrew from, looks intended to chill protests.
Read more...Another unseemly tale from Ukraine, this of the deposing and now arrest of Zelenksy’s kingmaker, Igor Kolomoysky.
Read more...Your humble bloggers risks getting herself in trouble by speculating about tail event level schemes to thwart Trump.
Read more...Ant-technology action, or technotage, seems to be increasing. Is this a trend or just coincidence?
Read more...Javier Milei, a climate change denier widely supported by Atlas Network, a web of free market think tanks, won the necessary votes to run in Argentina’s presidential election in October.
Read more...Trump won’t be over until he is over, and that will not be before the Republican convention.
Read more...KFF Health News advocated feel-good but largely ineffective approaches to insurer denials, as opposed to effectiive reforms.
Read more...Some of the major entries in Kissinger’s rap sheet.
Read more...Yves here. We’re featuring a post from openDemocracy on Argentina’s primary results that had far-right candidate Javier Milei beating the candidates of the two parties that have been in power for two decades. The post is telling, and not in a good way. Milei does advocate extreme views (not that he can go as far […]