Jomo warns US policies are creating war and depression, pushing developing nations to strengthen democratic institutions of global governance
Read more...Jomo warns US policies are creating war and depression, pushing developing nations to strengthen democratic institutions of global governance
Read more...What sure looks like an NIH study to improve the medical establishment’s propaganda skills had died a well-deserved death.
Read more...Individuals can fail upwards, but organizations? NATO not been up to the task of propping up Ukraine, but the US wants to aim it at China.
Read more...Gonzalo Lira is alive after being tortured in prison. He is tryng to flee Urkaine, witih tacit approval of the authorities. Wish him luck.
Read more...Another push for a minimum wage boost. The gap between the $17 target and the current level of $7.25 an hour is a yawning chasm.
Read more...On a planet where no other military spends as much, the US is incapable of winning a thing.
Read more...A deep dive on developing country debt crisis and how they reveal the workings of international finance.
Read more...Two-thirds of the British public think Brexit has damaged the economy, and all indications are that they’re right. Where does the UK go from here?
Read more...Michael Hudson takes a long, hard look at the origins and costs of the Fed’s ZIRP policy.
Read more...John Helmer gives a somewhat contraian take on the Wagner Group and what the unwind of the Prigozhin affair means for Putin’s reelection.
Read more...Eliot Abrams is a liar and an ex-convict. No wonder the Biden Administration is keen about him.
Read more...The Supreme Court nixed a Constitutional challenge to a Pennsylvania registration law that subjects compnaies to its jurisdiction.
Read more...America is making a mess in trying to preserve its hegemony.
Read more...How CalPERS is inexcusably throwing nearly 800,000 beneficiaies under the bus in a massive data heist.
Read more...Emerging economies look to be on the verge of a whole lotta debt hurt. Why does this happen to them so often?