The Collapse in Operational Capabilities in the West and Some Knock-On Effects
Why does the West seem increasingly unable to get out of its own underwear?
Read more...Why does the West seem increasingly unable to get out of its own underwear?
Read more...The US is split between party loyalists and independents who don’t trust either tribe to watch their back.
Read more...Pontius Pilate asked, “What is truth?” Time to ask “What is science?” since our market system creates sciences that aren’t very scientific.
Read more...“The object of employing children is not to train them, but to get high profits from their work.” — Lewis Hine, 1908
Read more...Research suggests that well over 1 million people with disabilities are not getting the assistance they need, and even those who receive benefits are likely not getting enough.
Read more...Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been caught out engaging in serious misconduct. But what to do?
Read more...How the government enables drug company grifting via giving them the store while funding reserch.
Read more...Contending with cancer is horrific enough. Fighting to get care is scary, demoraizing, and can be fatal.
Read more...Back to the era of child labor? Paging Charles Dickens…
Read more...Is there a there there in the Trump indictment?
Read more...The RESTRICT Act has run into a buzz saw of well-warranted criticism. But will that be enough to stop it?
Read more...Citizens struggle to track how states are using all the money health care executives paid for their get-out-of-jail cards after they killed or addicted millions.
Read more...A newfangled school voucher scheme, “education success accounts,” was too much even for the conservative Virginia House to swallow.
Read more...The financial system needs to provide a safe place for businesses to place their reserves and working capital.
Read more...The US trying even harder to tout the virtues of its ideas of democracy is not winning friends or influencing people.