Category Archives: Banking industry

Resource Limits to American Capitalism & The Predator State Today

James K. Galbraith discusses the shift of the US from industrialism to his so-called predator state: finance-led, military-centered corporatism


Occupy the SEC to DoJ: Act on Congressional Mandate, Quit Rubber Stamping Bank Mergers

Occupy the SEC is back! The small group of lawyers, bank compliance experts, and financial services industry product specialists generated an outside reputation with its highly praised, over 300 page comment letter on Dodd Frank. As wrote: In detailing how they believe the Volcker Rule can be strengthened, Occupy the SEC has written what […]


The Bitcoin Challenge: How to Tame a Digital Predator

Public authorities should refrain from taking measures supporting additional investment flows into Bitcoin and should treat it as rigorously as the conventional financial industry to combat illicit payments, money laundering, and terrorist financing