Category Archives: CEO compensation

"Why Did Bankers Behave So Badly?"

An article by Anne Siebert at VoxEU seeks to identify why bankers made such a mess of their companies. As the summary tells us: Greedy bankers are getting most of the blame for the current financial crisis. This column explains bankers did behave badly for mainly three reasons. They committed cognitive errors involving biases towards […]


Obama Administration Considering Tackling Financial Services Pay

Before anyone gets hysterical, the focus of the efforts by Team Obama on financial services industry pay appears to be to force the industry to stop rewarding undue risk taking. As much as I have been critical of many Administration plans, this, at least in concept, is a good one. Why? Because I sincerely doubt […]


Administration Seeking to Circumvent Restrictions Imposed on Bailout Recipients

One of the disturbing trends of the financial crisis hasn’t simply been the willy-nilly shifting of costs onto the taxpayer, even when there were investors in risk capital, aka bondholders and stockholders, who properly should take the hit first. As distressing is the repeated, flagrant disregard for the rule of law, starting with the Treasury […]


Guest Post: Is Obama Running Interference to Protect Bankers’ Pay?

Submitted by Rolfe Winkler, CFA, publisher of According to the NYT, the administration is considering all kinds of new rules in the wake of the AIG bonus scandal. These include tougher rules for mortgage lenders, new oversight powers for the Fed, and a new exchange/clearinghouse for derivatives trading. Most interesting in terms of intra-governmental […]


Wall Street Firms Looking to Circumvent TARP Bonus Caps Via Salary Increases

I know one can maintain outrage for only so long, and I find it deeply disturbing to look at the inability to rein financial industry pay in despite horrific results. If these people are so valuable, let them go to boutiques and prove it, where you eat what you kill rather than feed off a […]


Taleb Attacks Wall Street Bonuses

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, of Black Swan fame, joins the chorus in attacking asymmetrical bonuses, the “head’s I win” if things go well, “tails you lose” syndrome. An oversight in this piece is that this approach nevertheless worked reasonably well in the old Wall Street. Why? The big reason was that you had owner/managers whose capital […]


New York Subpoenas Bank of America CEO on Merrill Bonuses (and Where is the SEC?)

The digging by the New York attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, into the bonuses paid by Merrill Lynch immediately prior to the closing of its acquisition by Bank of America, are starting to take an interesting turn. The proximate cause is that the bonuses were unseemly and unwarranted, which doesn’t form the basis for legal action., […]


Obama to Neuter Bank Pay Restrictions

In case you think my headline is too harsh, consider the one at Bloomberg: “Obama to Work on Executive Pay Limits After Industry Complaints.” So in case you were laboring under the delusion that widespread managerial failure among the nations’ top banks, to the point of being dependent on taxpayer provided drip-feeds among the nation’s […]


Blankfein Advocates Partner-Like Compensation, More Regulation, Preservation of Mark to Market

Lloyd Blankfein, in a Financial Times comment, offers some suggestions to policymakers and regulators on how to deal with the financial services industry. I’m sure most readers would like to see more sackcloth and hair shirt, less prescription. But setting the tone aside, I found one bit particularly interesting. Blankfein proposes that firms go back […]


Obama’s Executive Comp Proposals: Closing the Gate After the Horse is in the Next County

I believe I am permitted to hyperventilate only once in an evening, so I’ll have to act with a modicum of restraint here. The Obama executive compensation restrictions for bailout fund recipients have been leaked, and may be long enough on appearances to appease an angry US electorate. But the shortcomings of the supposedly tough […]


Wall Street Quakes at Threat of $400,000 Pay Cap

Today, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri introduced legislation that would limit salary, bonus, and stock options for executives as financial firm recipients of bailout funds be limited to the President’s level of pay, currently $400,000. McCaskill’s proposal is likely to go all of nowhere. She is not a member of the Finance or Appropriations committee, […]


Congressional Sound and Fury Over Wall Street Bonuses Sure to Signify Nothing

A firestorm of criticism was unleashed from Washington at bonus-reaping-while-Wall-Street-burns bankers, with President Obama deigning to join in the fray. The tone was unusually heated: President Barack Obama fed a swelling populist revolt against Wall Street bonuses, calling it “shameful” that banks doled out $18.4 billion as taxpayers bail out companies and the U.S. remains […]