Category Archives: CEO compensation

Expand Sarbox?

This post on Thomas Palley’s blog, which I found thanks to Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View, argues cogently for an expansion, rather than a rollback, of Sarbanes-Oxley, the corporate governance reforms implemented in 2002 in the wake of big corporate accounting scandals, such as Enron and WorldCom. Palley, an economist, observes that Sarbox has not stopped […]


Gretchen Morgenson vs. Marty Lipton on Shareholder Activism

For those readers who live outside New York City, the dramatis personae are Gretchen Morgenson, who writes a weekly column in the New York Times’ Sunday business section that regularly anatomizes the ways that CEOs enrich themselves, and Martin Lipton, who along with Joseph Flom was one of the top M&A lawyers in the 1980s, […]


Pension Fund Pressure to Have a Say in Executive Pay

Wonder why the Financial Times seems to do a consistently better job of reporting on topics that are inconvenient to American executives, like institutional investors taking serious steps to rein in their compensation, that the US media outlets covering the same beat, like the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Bloomberg? This story […]


CEO Hall of Shame

Thanks to, we have an example of the kind of behavior that gives CEOs a bad name. Except this CEO isn’t feeding at the trough of the company he currently heads, but one he USED to head. Oh, and to top it off, the company is already in the sights of shareholder activists because […]


Grasso and Honor

It’s refreshing that someone is treating Grasso’s efforts to hang on to his eye-popping compensation from his days as the head of the NYSE with the seriousness it deserves. From In an interview today, former NYSE chair Dick Grasso told Bloomberg that the total costs of his lawsuit challenging his infamous compensation package maybe […]