China Schizophrenia: Jake Sullivan Makes Demands, Press Fulminates Its Ambitions as While Overhyping Current Economic Wobbles
The West’s discomfort over China’s influence and economic stature is sometimes a bit too obvious.
Read more...The West’s discomfort over China’s influence and economic stature is sometimes a bit too obvious.
Read more...China and Russia oil plays in and around Iraq provide further evidence that the US has lost its touch in the hegemony game.
Read more...A recent paper in a Russian economics journal confirms that there is no simple way out of the dollar hegemony box.
Read more...The fact FM Baerbock had to cancel trip and fly home commercial is a useful metaphor for Berlin’s recent rash of self-inflicted wounds.
Read more...Yet more evidence that the BRICS aren’t ready to launch a serious anti-dollar/new currency regime.
Read more...Jomo warns US policies are creating war and depression, pushing developing nations to strengthen democratic institutions of global governance
Read more...ichael Hudson on topics old and new: the role of debt in rentier extraction and US hegemony, and the prosepcts for the dollar and BRICS.
Read more...A cable impasse in the South Pacific, due in large part to failings in both US and Chinese legal and enforcement regimes.
Read more...William Astore provides a cold look at the gap between the cost and overly-ambitious aims of the US military versus results.
Read more...Individuals can fail upwards, but organizations? NATO not been up to the task of propping up Ukraine, but the US wants to aim it at China.
Read more...Russia is dialing down expectations for big BRICS developments at a late August summit.
Read more...The bundle of sanctions was initially designed and imposed in haste, with little basis to assess historic performance.
Read more...Quelle surprise! China and India have different economic interests, which means they have diverging visions for BRICS development.
Read more...Despite its heavy investment in renewables, China’s reliance on coal remains high due to its perceived reliability and concerns over the potential economic and political instability that could arise from phasing out coal.
Read more...NATO is trying to extricte itself from Ukraine. But will the US play ball?