American Officials Erase US Role in Empowering Their New Number One Enemy China
American elites have magically forgotten they were the ones who moved US industry to China in order to make a buck.
Read more...American elites have magically forgotten they were the ones who moved US industry to China in order to make a buck.
Read more...The IPCC has been soft-pedaling realistic, as in alarming, prospects for rapid ice melt and near-term ocean rises.
Read more...On the global stage, US can only barely keep up the pretense that it is not losing its mind.
Read more...How US ham-handed use of force and misreadings of key players’ interests, allowed China to suddenly take a leadershp role in the Middle East
Read more...Yves here. Sit back and enjoy yet another discussion between Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson, this time joined by Professor Mick Dunford at the Geopolitical Hour. Today’s tour starts with Ukraine, moves to Russia, and then continues to Europe, the US and China. It is noteworthy to see the Western media act as if Europe’s […]
Read more...Plans are lacking, but that hasn’t stopped Brussels before.
Read more...The US channels Nora Desmond.
Read more...Tectonic eruptions in Eurasia erode America’s global power.
Read more...US is bringing back nuclear weapons to South Korea in dangerous East Asia escalation.
Read more...Tensions rise at the Armenia-Azerbaijan-Iran intersection.
Read more...Martin Guzman explains the role of power in sovereign debt crises and restructurings.
Read more...Scholz’s corrupt past resurrected again, coalition sinking, and questions arising over who in German government is actually steering foreign policy.
Read more...Banning TikTok would be a messy business….and probably not technologically enforceable.
Read more...Yes, sports fans, the Administration blew it with Saudis. Dealings may have been set to sour, but Team Biden accelerated the process.
Read more...The US has managed to alienate Saudi Arabia, a one-time key ally.