Why China’s Shrinking Population Is a Big Deal – Counting the Social, Economic and Political Costs of an Aging, Smaller Society
Is the press unduly excited about the start of China’s expected demographic decline?
Read more...Is the press unduly excited about the start of China’s expected demographic decline?
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Read more...Bloomberg is countering the prevaiing cheery narrative that Europe can muddle through its ongoing energy crunch.
Read more...This Asian north-south bloc grows stronger in response to Washington’s efforts to maintain hegemony, and as Sir Halford John Mackinder said, “Who rules the world island commands the world.”
Read more...Japan and the Netherlands are joining the US in tightening controls over the export of advanced chip-making machinery to China.
Read more...The International Space Station is no longer the only place where humans can live in orbit.
Read more...Why the road away from the dollar will have many twists and turns.
Read more...Why the dollar’s demise is not around the corner.
Read more...The harder your look at the Russian oil price cap, the uglier it looks.
Read more...How the greenhouse gas emissions blame game pits advanced economies against developing ones.