Category Archives: China

Quelle Surprise! China Decides Not to Use Nuclear Option on Itself

Look, I love the Financial Times, but even the pink paper has its off moments. Today, the FT reports, with the journalistic equivalent statement of a straight face, a patently ridiculous statement from China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange: China has delivered a qualified vote of confidence in the dollar and US financial markets, ruling […]


“Will abandoning the dollar peg help China rebalance its economy?”

By Willem Thorbecke, Senior Research Fellow at the Asian Development Bank Institute and a Consulting Fellow at Japan’s Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry, originally posted at VoxEU Yves here. As we have pointed out in several posts, the idea that China’s announcement on its currency policy change is “abandoning its dollar peg” is […]


GE CEO Immelt Gets Pissy About China, Obama

When a CEO has a major foot in mouth episode, it’s usually the result of uncontrolled candor. And today’s outburst by GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt appears to be true to form. According to the Financial Times, the GE cheiftan said some less that politic things about China and Obama at a private gathering which his […]


US-China Pressure May Escalate Sooner Rather Than Later

We and other cynics were very skeptical of the pre-G20 announcement by China that it was moving to a more market-oriented currency regime at some unspecified point in the future (particularly since China had said pretty much the same thing in 2005, and actually had committed to some baby steps then). Now that it is […]


Bank Stress, ECB Liquidity Withdrawal Efforts, Deflation Fears Rattle Markets

We’ve warned for some time that the eurozone’s sure-to-fail muddle-through approach to its structural challenges was rattling investor confidence. Worse, its insistence on wearing an austerity hairshirt was not only committing Europe to deflation, but had high odds of sucking the global economy down along with it. Given how fragile the recovery is in advanced […]


More on China’s Renminbi Headfake

It was hard to miss the Chinese central bank’s announcement last weekend that it was implementing a ore “flexible” policy toward managing its currency. Numerous Western officials and analysts declared the statement to be a major move, signaling China’s willingness to allow the renminbi to appreciate to a meaningful degree. We, by contrast, called it […]


George Magnus on China’s Renminbi Move

George Magnus, senior economic advisor at UBS, provided a reading of the Chinese central bank’s announcement on its currency policy over the past weekend. He sees it as political, “symbolic rather than substantive.” He also contends that China needs to make significant policy changes. From the Financial Times: It would be churlish not to acknowledge […]


Alford: Structural Remedies Necessary to Tame Global Imbalances

By Richard Alford, a former economist at the New York Fed. Since then, he has worked in the financial industry as a trading floor economist and strategist on both the sell side and the buy side. Calls for global rebalancing are back in vogue, while the debate about the appropriate stance of domestic policy heats […]


China’s Renminbi Announcement: A Big Headfake

The Chinese central bank made a vague announcement about its currency policy on its website today, which the officialdom, on cue, treated as a major move (to wit: “China vows increased currency flexibility” at the Financial Times, “Chinese say they intend to free up their currency,” Washington Post).) As we describe below, this “announcement” is […]


US/China Rhetoric Escalates Over Rise in Chinese Exports

China posted a 48.5% increase in exports in May over its level the prior year, which led to much consternation and chest thumping in DC. Recall that Treasury Secretary Geithner was under considerable pressure from Congress to certify China a currency manipulator on April 15 (one of two semi-annual opportunities). China posted a rather surprising […]


Another Wee Poke at China Over Steel Exports

A $200 million market is so small as to be beneath most readers’ notice, except when its has the potential to escalate frictions between the US and China. The US has been selectively investigating markets where the Chinese are purported to be engaging in anti-competitive practices and taking action. The first salvo occurred last September, […]


Chinese Labor Markets Tight Since Last Year

The reaction in the Western media to the doubling of entry-level salaries at the Foxconn factories in Shenzhen was as if it was a change in the world order. Chinese workers treated as if they have bargaining power! Honda increasing wages 24%! Beijing increasing municipal pay 20%! Increases like this do not come out of […]


Chinese Monetary Official: Housing Risk Greater Than in US, UK Pre-Crisis

An interview with the Financial Times by Li Daokui, who serves on the Chinese central bank’s monetary policy committee, included an uncharacteristically candid comments on the state of China’s housing market and by implication, the direction of Chinese interest rate movements. From the Financial Times: “The housing market problem in China is actually much, much […]


On the Fat Fingered Trade and Market Freakout

We’ll know in due course, now that an investigation is underway, why the equity markets in the US went into complete freefall for about twenty minutes, with the Dow dropping 998 points. Per Bloomberg: Larry Leibowitz, chief operating officer of NYSE Euronext, said trades sent to electronic networks fueled the drop. While the first half […]


Pharmaceutical Companies Risking Drug Safety Via Cost Controls?

Reader Francois T sent this by e-mail: It is a well known (self-serving) assumption among business leaders that management is a “special skill” that can be applied to pretty much any field. Alas, this, ahem, skills set seems to bring the bad attitudes also. Problem is, this can become deadly for their costumers when those […]