Category Archives: China

China Lambastes Dollar “Carry Trade,” Diverting Attention from Its Currency Manipulation

What a difference seven years makes. No one had a problem with Japan having super low interest rates and stoking a global carry trade, nor with the US running overly loose monetary policy that led to a real estate bubble that spread its impact beyond our borders via the creation of toxic mortgage product sold […]


If the Fed is looking to inflate away problems, what should Asia do?

By Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns I would be especially interested to hear the views of NC’s Asian readers on this post because Japan and China are usually considered antagonists with a long and sordid past. Andy Xie thinks the Fed is on an inflationary path.  Last month, he wrote an article in Caijing which […]


Guest Post: Trading This Crisis for The Next

By Richard Alford, a former economist at the New York Fed. Since then, he has worked in the financial industry as a trading floor economist and strategist on both the sell side and the buy side. The G-20 statement contained seven principles to guide policy during the balance of the crisis period. However, the agreed […]


Hyperinflation, national bankruptcy, dollar crash and other exaggerations

Submitted by Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns. Earlier today I wrote a post featuring comments by Marc Faber as I like to do from time to time.  In this particular case Dr. Faber was waxing prosaically about an eventual bankruptcy of the U.S. government.  His money quote was: “Next station is when the U.S. government […]


Guest Post: The OTHER Economic Crisis?

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. You know all about the subprime, alt-a, option arm, and commercial real estate crises. You’re well-aware of the house of cards built with credit default swaps, securitized assets and other exotic investments. You’ve heard about the massive debt overhang threatening individuals, companies and the country as a whole, and […]


Asian Countries Intervene to Prop Up Greenback (Dollar Bind Edition)

An unannounced but evidently coordinated effort to arrest or at least slow the fall of the dollar is underway. The Financial Times indicated that Asian central banks were aggressive dollar buyers on Thursday, but the information came via currency traders rather than an official pronouncement. Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan made substantial purchases; Hong Kong and […]


Plans to Move Away From Dollar Pricing of Oil

Many US commentators blithely asset that the US does not need to worry about the reserve currency status of the dollar, since there is allegedly no ready substitute. Yet those arguments ignore the fact that there has already been movement away from the greenback. The Globe and Mail in early 2008 noted: A UBS Investment […]


Yes, Virginia, China Will Make Your Business a Winner

It isn’t uncommon for a theme or a trend to dominate how investors and analysts view a particular sector. For instance, when barriers to interstate banking were lowered, then dropped, bank consolidation was all anyone seemed able to think about, even though there were other important developments in the industry. During that era, at McKinsey, […]


Guest Post: Is Gold A Reasonable Investment?

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. (Rest assured that once Yves is done writing her book, and back posting,  or other guest posters write more, I will post less often! ) This essay rounds up arguments for gold as a reasonable investment. China Commentators such as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Byron King argue that China’s hunger […]


Murder-Suicide in Chimerica

Submitted by Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns In 2002, the global economy was weak and equity markets around the world were at multi-year lows following the greatest equity bubble and bust in world history. Many policy makers including Alan Greenspan, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, feared a deflationary spiral of Great Depression proportions resulting […]