Category Archives: China

China’s Economic Slowdown Accelerated in November

Even though the markets took cheer from China’s rate cut today, the move appears to be in response to an intensification of its economic woes. From Bloomberg: Some economic indicators in China showed a “faster decline” in November, the nation’s top economic planner said, underlining the urgency of government measures to support growth and employment. […]


"China fears grow over job losses"

This story from the BBC covers largely familiar ground as far as the deterioration of the Chinese economy is concerned, but in contrast to some other articles featured here, stresses the political implications of lower growth. Note that while many in passing observe that lower economic growth could be destabilizing for China, it also appears […]


"China may be heading for a severe economic slowdown"

The dreary forecast comes from Eric Fishwick, chief economist at CLSA, an Asia-focused private equity firm. His reports in particular contends that the Chinese cannot possibly meet its growth projections for next year. One does not cross the officialdom in China casually. That suggests that either 1) CLSA is quite confident they won’t be making […]


Brad Setser Begs to Differ With Nouriel Roubini on China

Brad Setser and Nouriel Roubini have collaborated in research and publishing on currencies but since are working independently. Roubini issues a grim outlook for China (“Roubini Foresees Chinese Hard Landing“). A cornerstone of Roubini’s analysis was that China was export-dependent and exports are falling fast: Note that China is an economy is structurally dependent on […]


Roubini Foresees Chinese Hard Landing

Sorry to be brief today, but these excepts from our local Dr. Doom stand on their own (although I know some will take issue with the proportion of the economy he deems to be export dependent): Let us consider now in detail the evidence that China may be on its way to a hard landing… […]


China Faces Liquidity Crunch

Despite China’s seeming economic might, it was only a few years ago that the hidden losses in among its banks were a frequent subject of discussion in the Western press. Indeed, in 2006, Ernst & Young hastily withdrew a detailed report that estimated that bad debt losses among Chinese banks were well above prevailing assumptions, […]