35% Of Public Oil Companies Could Face Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy looms for many exploration and development companies, particularly US shale players.
Read more...Bankruptcy looms for many exploration and development companies, particularly US shale players.
Read more...Even Moody’s which is always late to the party with its warnings – but when it does warn, it’s a good idea to pay attention – finally warned: “Don’t fall into the trap of believing all is well outside of oil & gas.”
Read more...2015 was a terrible year for emerging markets, not just in terms of trade in goods and services, but also capital exit.
Read more...A new story at the New York Times on the global debt overhang is an economically warped account that omits important policy options.
Read more...Hillary as a neoliberal is not your friend….unless you are a member of the 1% or on their meal ticket.
Read more...The difficultly of maintaining currency pegs, most important the renminbi and riyal versus the dollar, will put even more stress on financial markets.
Read more...Bond yields warn of deflation. How real is this worry?
Read more...How tight linkages among phenomena, such as oil and commodity prices, and flagging non-elite wages, are about to cause substantial economic disruption.
Read more...The factors that dragged down the global economy in 2015 will persist – and in some cases worsen – in the new year.
Read more...Stocks took a beating around the globe on the first day back in 2016. Hopes of a better year start out inauspiciously.
Read more...Private equity’s misadventure in ships is yet another proof of both hubris and too much money looking for deals.
Read more...Geological fundamentals clearly show that high decline rates, limited sweet spots, and finite numbers of drilling locations will limit long term contributions to production.
Read more...Why China’s slowdown and exported deflation started far earlier than most pundits and analysts would have you believe.
Read more...Yet another China risk warning.
Read more...Even with the cost efficiency of renewables being much higher than many realize, major energy buyers don’t act as if the oil age is ending soon.