Category Archives: Commodities

On BP’s Many Forms of Less Than Artful Dodging

As the Gulf oil leak continues to spew, albeit at a slightly lower rate now, and the American public is becoming resigned to the dreadful spectacle of continued damage to wildlife and coastlines, BP continues to act as a law unto itself. Not that that should be any surprise; the oil producer clearly believed from […]


WTF Alert: BP CEO is a Mere PR Problem?

What term do you use to describe spin about spin? Spin squared? Meta spin? Whatever you chose to call it, a classic example is in full view in a New York Times article, “Another Torrent BP Works to Stem: Its C.E.O.” If you were to believe the New York Times, which all too often appears […]


Models Show Gulf Oil May Reach US East Coast This Summer

This cheery news from the SunHerald (hat tip reader Dwight Baker): The National Center for Atmospheric Research models showed Thursday that oil could enter the Gulf’s loop current, go around the tip of Florida and as far north as Cape Hatteras, N.C. According to researchers, oil could threaten East Coast beaches by early July, but […]


BP Admits to Being “Not Prepared” (“Low Odds” Fallacy Edition)

A sudden bout of semi-candor from BP suggests the top brass of the miscreant oil company recognized that it is in such deep doo-doo that the normal corporate PR playbook is no longer operative. Companies and governments often refuse to admit error or blame it on circumstances out of their control as a way to […]


It’s Official: Gulf “Top Kill” Fails

From the Washington Post, as foretold earlier by George Washington: BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said the company determined the “top kill” method had failed after studying it for three days. The method involved pumping heavy drilling mud into a crippled well 5,000 feet underwater. “We have not been able to stop the flow,” […]


First Person Observation of Oil Leak Impact

From an employee of a New Orleans community clinic, via reader Doug: I wanted to write to tell you how appreciative (though not surprised, of course) I was to see that your boss made a trip down to the Gulf to see the complete disaster that has unfolded here. We, and especially our partners in […]


BP and Executive Arrogance

The geyser of oil and less than cheery news on the Gulf oil spill continues unabated. The news updates of the day include: Reports from a Congressional briefing that suggest, as many have speculated, that the mud was removed despite heavy gas output, a warning sign, with BP admitting its workers may have made a […]


In Case You Managed to Miss It, It’s Ugly Out There

Oh, if you don’t love the smell of naplam in the morning, you will not be happy with the market actions. Per my delayed Bloomberg, Euro flirting with recent lows, at 1.2281. Gold off at $1187 an ounce. (which fits if you believe in deflation, even though gold does well in deflation, the inflationistas may […]


Lookin’ Ugly at the Deepwater Horizon Live Cam?

This is just a snippet (and this message is per the request of Lambert Strether, who has a post of his own up and trying to get further information from other Deepwater Horizon live cam bloggers or watchers): Major changes happening at BP Disaster site:… There have been several major eruptions of the seabed […]


Why is the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill an Information Dead Zone?

It isn’t hard to see that the lack of decent information about how serious the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is is almost certainly due to obfuscation on the part of BP. The puzzling part is how BP can fantasize that it ultimately gains from this conduct, and why the Obama Administration tolerates it. The frustration […]


Even Fewer Deepwater Horizon Inspections Than MMS Claimed Earlier

Ooh, this gets uglier and uglier the harder one looks at this. From the Associated Press via ABC (hat tip reader Glenn Stehle): The federal agency responsible for ensuring that an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was operating safely before it exploded last month fell well short of its own policy that inspections […]


What is the Proper Libertarian Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill?

Many of my investor buddies e-mail each other frequently during the day (yes, e-mail, not IM or tweet) and I am on the periphery of some of their discussions. One of them took note of the fact that the libertarians in this crowd had gone silent on the question of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, […]


Guest Post: Discussion of Congressional Hearings on Deepwater Horizon

By Glenn Stehle, an engineer who began working in the oil industry in 1974. After a two-year stint with Cities Service Oil Company, he worked for two years for Henry Engineering, a petroleum engineering consulting firm. Upon leaving Henry Engineering he worked as an independent engineering consultant in all facets of the oil and gas […]