Category Archives: Commodities

OPEC to Cut Daily Crude Production by 2.5 Million Barrels, But WSJ Reports as 4.2 Million

From MarketWatch (weirdly, do not see referenced story on Wall Street Journal site, hat tip reader Scott): The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has decided to cut its oil output by 4.2 million barrels a day from September levels, or 2.2 million barrels a day from current output, the Wall Street Journal reported on its […]


Chinese Electrical Output Fell 9.6% in November (Plus Possible False Positive on Shipping Front)

Although talk of deep OPEC production cuts and hopes for an auto industry rescue have given oil prices a boost, the fundamentals are far from out of the woods. Indeed, as OPEC bravely claimed demand and supply really weren’t so far out of whack (was that at effort to set the stage for a less-than-hoped […]


Questioning the Commodities Super Cycle

Conventional wisdom is that the plunge in commodities was due in part to the deflating of a speculative bubble, the balance the result of the nasty contraction now in full force. Once things recover, basic materials should enjoy a strong rebound as China and other emerging markets get back on the growth path. Comparisons to […]


New Downbeat Tone on Oil

One robin does not make a spring, but I was struck by the subtext of this article at Bloomberg, “OPEC Failure Foretells Decline 10 Years After $10 Oil.” The mention of $10 oil is an odd bit of anchoring. And the general tone is surprisingly pessimistic. Key excerpts: A decade after OPEC failed to prevent […]


Has OPEC Lost its Mojo?

OPEC’s meeting over the weekend, which held off from making further cuts despite oil prices hovering in the low $50s per barrel, a level that is causing distress among the cartels’ members. What was eyecatching, however, was not the failure to act per se but the byplay. As we noted earlier, OPEC members tend to […]


Some Anomalies

I am puzzled by some recent market anomalies, which are breakdowns of established patterns: 1. Long dated Treasuries rising (a deflation signal) as stocks stage a dramatic rally 2. Dollar weakening while long dated Treasuries rise (the dollar and bonds usually go together) 3. Oil stocks rallying more than the S&P (28% versus 18%) when […]


Goldman Recants Its $200 a Barrel, "Super Spike" Call for Oil

Um, a bit late to come to that realization, don’tcha think? From Barron’s (hat tip reader Michael): That ‘’super spike” in oil prices that Goldman insisted would lift crude to $200 a barrel ….? ….It never really turned out to be that prescient: instead of the 50% jump in oil that Goldman anticipated back in […]


Yet More Trade Finance Worries (Not for the Fainthearted)

Readers may know we have been concerned about the dramatic fall in shipments of basic materials, as reflected in the collapse of the Baltic Dry Index. This in turn, as we have also stressed, is in large measure to the difficulty of obtaining trade finance, in particular letters of credit. A very good post at […]


Jim Rogers Down on Advanced Economy Stocks, Even More So on Bonds

Famed hedge fund investor and round-the-world motorbiker Jim Rogers is not very keen about financial assets these days, which is not entirely surprising given that he runs a commodities fund. Maybe the bearish outlook has to do with the view of the world from Singapore. Marc Faber, who makes most of his TV appearances from […]