Category Archives: Commodities

"China may be heading for a severe economic slowdown"

The dreary forecast comes from Eric Fishwick, chief economist at CLSA, an Asia-focused private equity firm. His reports in particular contends that the Chinese cannot possibly meet its growth projections for next year. One does not cross the officialdom in China casually. That suggests that either 1) CLSA is quite confident they won’t be making […]


Is the "Commodities as Anti-Dollar" Trade Back?

Commodities had a nice day Wednesday, with oil in particular spiking up. Although the trigger appeared to be the Fed rate cut, one has to wonder at the seemingly disproportionate price reaction, particularly given deteriorating fundamentals and hence falling demand. One reason for the sudden enthusiasm for commodities is that, as in the frenzied days […]


Confirmation of the Role of Financing Difficulties in Collapsing Trade Volumes

One of our pet themes in recent weeks is that the fall in trade traffic, indicated and possibly overstated by a dramatic fall in the Baltic Dry Index, is due at least in part to difficulties in arranging and getting other banks to accept buyers’ letters of credit. For those new to this topic, international […]


Baltic Dry Index Continues to Fall, Now 90% Below May Level, Ships Sitting Idle

Despite some calls that a commodities bottom is nigh (see Marc Faber, hat tip reader Megan), the Baltic Dry Index, a proxy for international shipping and international manufacturing, continues an alarming fall. While the BDI is known for false positives about trends in economic activity, the dramatic decline in BDi is partly the result of […]


Is Another Emerging Markets Crisis in Motion?

We mentioned earlier, focusing on a comment made in Brad Setser’s post “Where is My Swap Line?” that emerging economies had not internalized the lessons of the 1997 Asian crisis as much as was widely believed. Their central banks if anything overreacted, keeping their currencies cheap against the dollar and amassing large foreign currency reserves […]


Emerging Markets Banks Hoist on Foreign Borrowing Petard

A colorful and informative article by John Dizard in the Financial Times on how emerging markets may not have dodged foreign currency exposure risk despite their central banks having very large foreign exchange reserves. It turns out their banks and major companies weren’t so prudent. Dizard raises a second issue here, one that was discussed […]