Category Archives: Commodities

Baltic Dry Index Falls Another 10.7%, Down Nearly 86% From May

The collapse in the Baltic Dry Index continues. As we have noted before, the inability of cargo shippers to secure letters of credit (and the unwillingness of banks to accept L/Cs from other banks) is play a significant role in the plunge in trade transport. From the Financial Times: The cost of shipping bulk commodities […]


Commodities Continue to Tank

Now that deflation worries are upon us, even the mainstream media is taking note of the reversal of the commodities price surge of earlier this year. Below are some excerpts from a New York Times article, “Commodity Prices Tumble.” But first, this tidbit, courtesy reader Michael, from an Oppenheimer report, dated October 13, “Surviving Lower […]


Rush to Put OTC Commodity Derivatives on Exchanges

In yet another sign reluctance to suffer counterparty risk, banks that only recently were aggressive in booking lucrative over the counter derivative trades are now tripping head over heels to shift them on to exchanges (note that the exchange, rather than the bank, would then monitor counterparty performance and be responsible for making margin calls […]


"Why Oil Prices Must Fall"

Reader Michael forwarded a new research piece from Oppenheimer by Fadel Gheit and Daniel Katzenberg that makes the case that oil prices will continue to decline. A core element of their thesis is that OPEC will not defend prices above $60. Here are the main arguments (boldface theirs): Given the bleak global economic outlook, we […]


Russian Stock Market Collapse Exacerbates Its Credit Crunch

Russia’s stock market took a beating as foreigners started getting cold feet over the British Petroleum row, when a consortium of oligarchs engaged in a power and money grab over a Moscow-based development joint venture, TNK. But falling oil prices are also a bad harbinger for a resource-dependent economy. From Bloomberg: Russia’s stock market collapse […]


A Glimpse Into the Abyss

I must confess a certain fondness for the apocalyptic sort of financial writer, provided they don’t lose anchoring with reality and fall into the tinfoil hat category. Nouriel Roubini is the case example of an economist who favors a baroque, melodramatic style, and despite sounding more than a tad unhinged at points, he has proven […]


Merrill: Oil May Fall to $50

As the recession takes hold and increasingly looks to be a nasty affair, analysts are quickly revising forecasts to levels that would have seemed barmy a mere month ago. The latest is a new Merrill call that oil could drop to $50 a barrel, although the report waffles hugely by deeming a global recession “unlikely”. […]


Wealthy Investors Hoarding Bullion

Demand for gold continues to increase as the rich start to accumulate the metal itself. Nevertheless, the problem with gold as a store of value is twofold. First, for Americans, the US required citizens to turn in gold (presumably coins and bars) in 1933, and they were given paper money at a not-great exchange rate. […]


China’s Sinopec to Cut Oil Imports

So much for the thesis that China’s oil imports would rise relentlessly, which by implication said they would be immune to the advanced economy slowdown. Sinopec, the largest refiner in China, is reducing its oil imports. But oil has bounced up and is now trading at over $100 a barrel. So much for the theory […]