Category Archives: Commodities

Lieberman Proposes Barring Institutional Investors From Commodities

Whether it comes to fruition is to be determined, but taken at face value, Connecticut senator Joseph Lieberman’s proposal to bar institutional investors such as pension and index funds from investing in commodities is a Nixon-goes-to-China moment, a significant indicator of Wall Street’s fallen standing. Lieberman has been a staunch defender of the securities industry […]


UK: Petrol Sales Fall 20%

Illustrating the impact that higher fuel prices can have on consumption, the International Energy Agency reported that motor fuel consumption had dropped as much as 20% in Britain. The fall in usage is greater than in other countries, in part due to larger hikes (20% versus 14% on the Continent) and the prevalence of mass […]


India Cuts Gasoline Subsidies

We have discussed the role of fuel subsidies in distorting demand for oil and therefore adding to price pressures. We’ve also noted that as oil prices have spiked, the cost of these subsidies in some countries is becoming untenable. Both Indonesia and Malaysia have raised end user gas prices. One of the largest countries giving […]


Quick Summary of Soros Testimony on Oil

A quick recap of Soros’s prepared remarks at the Senate hearings on energy market manipulation, which I watched just now. The billionaire said that he had a view of bubbles that departed from conventional wisdom about financial markets. They start with a trend but the dymamic becomes self reinforcing and increasingly disconnected from reality. For […]


The Rich Under Attack I: "Food Democracy"

Gideon Rachman in “We cannot go on eating like this” in the Financial Times, points out the increasing heated discussion between advanced and emerging economies over resource issues, particularly food. The positions of the two camps are fairly easy to set forth: the West says, “You can’t have what we have, it’ll ruin the planet,” […]


CFTC Investigation of Oil Trading Focuses on Tankers, Storage

Bloomberg reports that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which has opened an investigation into whether market manipulation may be influencing oil prices, is taking a hard look at physical delivery and storage. A particular focus is the role of Cushing in the trading of West Texas Intermediate Crude, one of the two most important contracts […]