Category Archives: Commodities

Doubts About Oil Demand

It’s a bit premature to say that the price correction in oil and commodities generally is a harbinger of a reversion of much of the runup of this year; they were so overbought that some profit-taking was inevitable. But now that the bulls have finally met some strong headwinds, cautionary views are suddenly getting more […]


Is the Dollar Rally a Head Fake?

The dollar rose today, and gold has fallen below $900 as f this writing due to revisions in the first quarter GDP release that increased growth from “anemic” to “slightly less anemic”. Note that there was considerable skepticism about the initial 0.6% GDP growth figure (the revised level is 0.9%) because the total was entirely […]


More Theories on Oil Prices and (Declining) Prospects

It’s remarkable how certain words elicit knee-jerk reactions. Take “speculation”. I’ve questioned the prevailing view that an price increase of nearly 50% in six months in crude oil prices is entirely a function of demand (meaning immediate consumption, the kind most economists think of when they draw demand curves) and supply. That is partly because […]


Soros: Skyrocketing Oil Prices a Bubble

Veteran investor George Soros, in an interview with the Telegraph, describes speculation as a significant factor in the recent spike in oil prices. However, he doesn’t expect prices to break until there are signs of economic weakening. Later in the post, I’ll provide some information that suggests how traditional supply/demand forces could have been swamped […]


Commodities Spike: Vote of No Confidence in Central Bankers?

Steve Waldman, in a colorful post, “A run on central banks?” contends that the rapid rise of commodities prices isn’t the result of mundane factors like negative real interest rates, but a more fundamental cause: loss of faith in the monetary authorities: Just as the fear of a bank’s insolvency can precipitate a run that […]


International Energy Agency to Try to Gather Supply Data It Won’t Get (And Other Oil Information Gaps)

The headline above is perhaps the most important message contained in the front page Wall Street Journal article, “Energy Watchdog Warns Of Oil-Production Crunch.” Well, in fairness, it may rank as important as the thrust of the article, which is that the IEA, which recently had predicted that oil supplies would be able to more […]


Media Rorschach Test: Divergent Readings on the Saudis’ Wee Production Increase

The interpretations of the implications of the Riyadh-Washington pas de deux over oil production increases were surprisingly disparate, a seeming Rorschach test of sentiment about the US, Bush, and the Middle East. The papers that see themselves as US opinion leaders, namely the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, stressed how little the […]