Category Archives: Commodities

Desperate Measures: India Closes Soyabean Oil, Potatoes Exchanges to Fight Inflation

India has halted futures trading in certain types of commodities in an effort to combat inflation by reducing speculation. Observers argue this is likely to be ineffective, arguing that the price rise is fundamentally driven. It is true that just about every major economy ex the US and Japan is suffering from inflation (and most […]


Goldman Forecasts Oil to Reach $150-$200 a Barrel

Goldman foresees a continue rise in oil prices due to continuing capacity constraints and continued strong demand from emerging economies. From Bloomberg: Crude oil prices may rise to between $150 and $200 a barrel within two years because of a lack of adequate supply growth, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analysts led by Arjun N. Murti […]


Martin Wolf on Reforming Agriculture

In a bit of synchronicity, food worries are getting prominent billing tonight in the media. The Financial Times” Martin Wolf sketches out some dimensions of snowballing agricultural problems and possible solutions. Wolf’s piece endeavors to cover a lot of ground, which means of necessity it gives short shrift to depth. It touches on the central […]


The Rise of the Neo-Malthusians

Paul Krugman, commenting on a Wall Street Journal article that invoked, then tried to dismiss, concerns about resource scarcity, defended Malthus: Malthus was right about the whole of human history up until his own era. Sumerian peasants in the 30th century BC lived on the edge of subsistence; so did French peasants in the 18th […]


Lack of Arbitrage Producing High Futures Prices for Ag Commodities

Reader notice: a bit terse in our own commentary due to (grr) internet outage… A New York Times article, “Odd Crop Prices Defy Economics,” discusses the fact that there have been frequent disparities between cash and futures prices in some agricultural commodities since 2006. While this pattern has never taken place before and experts blame […]


IMF: Commodity Prices "Part Speculative"

I’m late to this item, which appeared in the Financial Times on Thursday, but according to Google News, was not reported elsewhere, so I thought it was still worth featuring. The IMF warned that commodities prices include a speculative element as investors are treating it as a new asset class and a safe haven in […]


Commodities Plunge Continues

We had observed that commodities prices looked overbought, historically fell during recessions, and in recent years had been strongly influenced by emerging market demand, which looked vulnerable to a US slowdown. These observations have proven out much sooner than we anticipated. Commodities continued their fall today. From Bloomberg; Gold headed for its biggest weekly drop […]


"Falling Interest Rates Explain Rising Commodity Prices"

Jeff Frankel has a good set of posts on commodities, both appearing on his blog and on Brad Setser’s (as guest blogger entries). We are featuring them together here. The first section (which was a separate post) argues that “world growth no longer explains soaring commodity prices“; the second argues that interest rates are now […]