As US Markets Look a Bit Wobbly, the Press Looks for the Next Crisis in the Rear View Mirror
The Wall Street Journal worried about the giddy mood at the annual structured industry conference. But is where to look for the next crisis?
Read more...The Wall Street Journal worried about the giddy mood at the annual structured industry conference. But is where to look for the next crisis?
Read more...Why the GENIUS Act does not live up to its pretenses of making stablecoins safe, thus setting the stage for a Federal bailout.
Read more...We warned that crypto was closely aligned with criminal activity. The open grift of the new “strategic” Trump fund proves that case.
Read more...Jane D’Arista describes the internationalization of finance and how is has produced not just crises but fundamental economic distortions
Read more...A climate-change-driven insurance and eventual mortgage/housing price crisis is getting momentum. And unlike 2008, price recovery is unlikely
Read more...The Fed vigorously backpedaled on further cuts, pivoting to wait-and-see, due to long-term rates signaling inflation concerns.
Read more...A discussion of Elizabeth Warren’s naivete about the predatory nature of capitalism.
Read more...More realistic takes on BRICS, including by Michael Hudson.
Read more...China’s investors are in freakout mode about deflation risks. Can its government turn the fundamentals around?
Read more...The Journal gets egg on its face for trying to call a bottom in the office space market even as delinquencies were accelerating
Read more...Nissan, with intensifying cash flow woes and vultures circling, looks like a canary in the coal mine for non-China carmakers.
Read more...Stock jockeys love Trump and bond vigilantes do not. What do their diverging views say about the prospects for the US economy?
Read more...Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff discuss the recent BRICS summit as well as its rapidly-evolving geopolitical backdrop.
Read more...With the equity raise as outlined today, the company will have some limited financial breathing room, and will likely avert a near-term down grade to junk, so one day at a time.
Read more...More and more private equity and private credit deals are looking over-extended. How bad might things get?