Category Archives: Credit markets

The Bank of England Votes for More QE – But This Is a Road That Will Run Out

Yves here. Richard Murphy’s observations about QE hitting its limits are clearly relevant to the US. Sadly, things will have to get worse before ideas like a job guarantee or Green New Deal-type work schemes even get a hearing. By Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant and a political economist. He has been described by the Guardian […]


Modigliani Meets Minsky: Rising Inequality and U.S. Household Debt Since 1950

Yves here. This short piece looks at some of the intuitions about the relationship between rising household debt levels and increasing inequality. And they sure do look to be connected! By Alina Bartscher, University of Bonn, Moritz Kuhn, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bonn and Moritz Schularick, Professor of Economics, University of Bonn. Originally […]


More Public Pension Fund Pain: LACERS Reports Hit to Liquidity from Private Equity Capital Calls; Are Fund Managers Exploiting the Dumb Money Yet Again?

Private equity firms are sucking cash out of their limited partners at the worst possible time, exposing public pension funds in particular to liquidity crunches and fire sales.


Finance Capitalism vs Industrial Capitalism: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Are Destroying Us

Another Michael Hudson star turn on debt dynamics, this time focusing on the coronavirus bailouts are shoring up rentiers.