Michael Olenick: The Surprisingly Short Road from Abolitionism to Credit Bureaus
Abolitionist Lewis Tappan, the inventor of credit bureaus, would be distressed to see how his creation is being put to use.
Read more...Abolitionist Lewis Tappan, the inventor of credit bureaus, would be distressed to see how his creation is being put to use.
Read more...Another tour de force by Michael Hudson, this one stressing the role of unproductive real estate in modern debt bondage and Trump’s MMT.
Read more...Richard Vague, who has studied financial crises, has honed in on the destructive impact of private debt and the need for debt jubilees.
Read more...How immient is a bust in private equity related debt?
Read more...Households and businesses are overloaded with debt. Richard Vague offers a set of proposals for how to restructure it.
Read more...Tracing key influences on Karl Polanyi as welll as some of his important initiatives after The Great Transformation.
Read more...The coronavirus’ effect has been to help defeat the financial sector’s enemy, governments strong enough to regulate it.
Read more...Jan Kregel explains the fundamental problem with the economic system is its focus on providing finance to investors.
Read more...A short primer on banks from a Modern Monetary Theory perspective.
Read more...The World Bank is trying to rebrand a failed public private partnership scheme as “blended finance”. Developing countries, beware.
Read more...CalPERS made damaging statements to justify withholding information about private loans. That suggestswhat it was hiding is even worse.
Read more...A spike in mortgage delinquencies says more bad results are coming, particularly with no new stimulus in sight.
Read more...Debunking Bernanke’s pet excuse for the global financial crisis, the savings glut hypothesis, which of course exculpates the Fed.
Read more...Financial regulators still don’t like to tame bubbles even after seeing how costly it is when they go boom. Shame, that.
Read more...Debunking some major misperceptions about potential roles for Bitcoin and blockchain.