“Warren’s Eviction Bill Is Economically and Politically Savvy”
Why Warren’s eviction bill, which calls for a one-year eviction freeze, does not go far enough to save homeowners, tenants, and businesses.
Read more...Why Warren’s eviction bill, which calls for a one-year eviction freeze, does not go far enough to save homeowners, tenants, and businesses.
Read more...Why using credit as an economic remedy evenutally does more harm than good.
Read more...An explanation of the mechanics of Federal spending, with emphasis on the role of the Fed and Treasury.
Read more...Covid-19 has engendered investment grifting.
Read more...WSJ says banks can no longer determine who is credit-worthy using existing models – more COVID-19 fallout, this of uncertain magnitude.
Read more...Michael Hudson explains why debt cancellation and turning banks into utilities is the only sound response to the cornacrisis.
Read more...The Governor of the Bank of England had a major “put foot in mouth and chew” episode.
Read more...Yves here. Richard Murphy’s observations about QE hitting its limits are clearly relevant to the US. Sadly, things will have to get worse before ideas like a job guarantee or Green New Deal-type work schemes even get a hearing. By Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant and a political economist. He has been described by the Guardian […]
Read more...No, collateralized loan obligations are not about to wipe out banks, and Frank Partnoy should have focused on real risks, like destruction of productive capacity.
Read more...The European Union has not reached a “Hamiltonian moment.” Its plans are too little, too late, hamstrung by institutional barriers to economic recovery.
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a detailed, if sobering, account of the outlook for the economy.
Read more...This is part 7 of my ongoing coverage of the Federal Reserve’s Coronavirus actions.
Read more...A major story on the CLOs chooses not to address the key questions.
Read more...Looking at the bloodbath in commercial real estate…..and worse is almost certainly in store.
Read more...US universities are facing a world of hurt.