Coronavirus: Australia Faces Calamity
Identifying likely economic road kill from the coronavirus outbreak.
Read more...Identifying likely economic road kill from the coronavirus outbreak.
Read more...Fed tightening is no longer needed to create recessions, given fragile credit structures and a growing pandemic out of China.
Read more...Michael Husdon reviews the key themes of his recent book, ……and Forgive Them Their Debts, and discusses German austerity.
Read more...Yet more official hand-wringing about interest rates…when they aren’t the core economic problem.
Read more...Shed a crocodile tear for investors in student loans: they are sometimes discomfited by short-lived downgrades when loan maturities are pushed out.
Read more...Yves here. I’m clearly not in touch. I am surprised that this finding, that credit booms predict equity busts, is novel. Of course, given that manias last way longer than cooler heads deem possible, judging the peak of a credit cycle is tricky business. Nevertheless, when a wee summer associate at bond trading powerhouse Salomon […]
Read more...Haven’t we already seen this movie? Race to the bottom in gaming credit ratings agencies for commercial real estate Collateralized Loan Obligation deals.
Read more...The IMF is backing a tax reform bill in Ecuador that will enable capital flight and further austerity.
Read more...Sweden throws in the towel on its negative interest rate policy as inflation stays stubbornly low.
Read more...Debunking the pretense that the economics discipline is neutral or objective.
Read more...When is a payday loan still pretty much a payday loan? When it’s an installment loan with annual interest rates over 100%.
Read more...A reappraisal of Volcker, who was more hostile to workers and less hard on financiers than the press would have you believe.
Read more...Claims that a financial transaction tax would be difficult to implement and raise little revenue are fake news.
Read more...Subprime loan repayment continues to deteriorate. What is going on?
Read more...How the Fed’s fingerprints are all over the repo mess.