Wolf Richter: The Fed Slaps Down Negative Interest Rates
The first major discussion of negative interest rates recounted in the FOMC minutes show serious disapproval.
Read more...The first major discussion of negative interest rates recounted in the FOMC minutes show serious disapproval.
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Read more...Private debt levels are even higher than in 2008 but super low interest rates make that look less worrisome than it arguably should be. T. Sabri Öncü ponders how to go about large scale debt relief.
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Read more...As European borrowers choke on debts they can’t repay, due to a significant degree to austerity-induced weak economies, financial profiteers swoop in to take advantage of the distress.
Read more...GSE reform is baack! Or not.
Read more...Central banks don’t have the tools to address our problems. It will take well-constructed fiscal policy to set right our topsy-turvy economy.
Read more...The student debt crisis has produced a decline in homeownership, marriage, and childbearing rates among the young.
Read more...The World Bank wants to double down on financial gimmickry rather than develop the public health infrastructure to combat pandemics.
Read more...Richard Vague extends his work on the dangers of private debt via his new book, A Brief History of Doom, on the role of debt in financial crises.