Category Archives: Credit markets

Why You Should Back the Sanders/AOC Plan to Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%, Re-Launch the Postal Savings Bank

A new bill by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks to limit credit abuses and make banking more accessible.


The Delphic Oracle Was Their Davos: A Four-Part Interview With Michael Hudson: A New “Reality Economics” Curriculum Is Needed (Part 4)

How mainstream economics ignores the lessons from antiquity on the destructiveness of oligachies, and how early industrialists and business schools promoted anti-rentier, socialit policies.


The Media Endlessly Talks About Interest Rates—Are They Even an Effective Economic Tool at This Point?

Interest rates are a poor substitute for fiscal spending and as we’ve seen, over-reliance on monetary policy produces speculative booms and busts. More and more people recognize this formula isn’t working, but what will it take to change course?


The Delphic Oracle Was Their Davos: A Four-Part Interview With Michael Hudson: The Inherent Financial Instability in Western Civilization’s DNA (Part 3)

By John Siman, who is also the author of Part 1 and Part 2 in this series John Siman: It seems that unless there’s a Hammurabi-style “divine king” or some elected civic regulatory authority, oligarchies will arise and exploit their societies as much as they can, while trying to prevent the victimized economy from defending […]