Category Archives: Credit markets

Wolf Richter: My Fancy-Schmancy “Fed Hawk-o-Meter” Ticks Down, Still Red-Lines. In Passing, Fed Plants Seed for Removing “Patient”

Not surprisingly, given economic weakness in Europe and China plus Trump trade war saber-rattling, the Fed seems less gung ho about the health of the economy than it was last summer.


Reining in Leveraged Lending

Yves here. This article pre-supposes that readers understand that most leveraged lending is taking place as a result of private equity, via two routes. First, private equity funds use a great deal of borrowed money when buying companies. One of the biggest sources is so-called leveraged loans, which are normally originally made by banks, but […]


Wolf Richter: “Severe Collapse” of Home Prices Might Trigger a “Financial-Institution Crisis” in Australia: OECD Frets about the Banks

Australia looks to be on the verge of a nasty unwind of its housing bubble. A plunge would damage not only its banks but also retirement funds, since banks play an outsized role in the Australian stock market.