ZEN and the Art of Modern Money (MMT)
Working through a primer on MMT.
Read more...Working through a primer on MMT.
Read more...This column evaluates the effectiveness of the use of IMF support and foreign reserves in globally driven crises
Read more...Get a cup of coffee. A meaty talk by Michael Hudson, Liz Theoharis, and Aliou Niang on the social and economic logic of debt cancellation back when it was a regular practice.
Read more...The World Bank continues its proud tradition of making the world safe for rentiers, um, financiers.
Read more...How mainstream economics ignores the lessons from antiquity on the destructiveness of oligachies, and how early industrialists and business schools promoted anti-rentier, socialit policies.
Read more...Interest rates are a poor substitute for fiscal spending and as we’ve seen, over-reliance on monetary policy produces speculative booms and busts. More and more people recognize this formula isn’t working, but what will it take to change course?
Read more...By John Siman, who is also the author of Part 1 and Part 2 in this series John Siman: It seems that unless there’s a Hammurabi-style “divine king” or some elected civic regulatory authority, oligarchies will arise and exploit their societies as much as they can, while trying to prevent the victimized economy from defending […]
Read more...How mixed economies have mixed it up over time.
Read more...Why having public sector development funds “leverage” private capital is a bad idea.
Read more...Not surprisingly, given economic weakness in Europe and China plus Trump trade war saber-rattling, the Fed seems less gung ho about the health of the economy than it was last summer.
Read more...A worrying update about China’s corporate debt.
Read more...Yves here. This article pre-supposes that readers understand that most leveraged lending is taking place as a result of private equity, via two routes. First, private equity funds use a great deal of borrowed money when buying companies. One of the biggest sources is so-called leveraged loans, which are normally originally made by banks, but […]
Read more...China gets a cold and California real estate gets pneumonia.
Read more...Central bankers pursue a “neutral” rate that doesn’t exist.
Read more...Another go at clearing up press and pundit misrepresentations of MMT.