China Won’t Be Taking Over
Why China is fragile and starting to look wobbly.
Read more...Why China is fragile and starting to look wobbly.
Read more...Australia looks to be on the verge of a nasty unwind of its housing bubble. A plunge would damage not only its banks but also retirement funds, since banks play an outsized role in the Australian stock market.
Read more...The World Uncertainty Index reveals how uncertainty in the world has evolved over time, whether it is synchronised across countries, and how it compares across income groups and political regimes.
Read more...Concerns are building over the extent of leveraged lending, among regulators and politicians and the private sector alike. Some, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren see troubling signs that recall risks that triggered the Great Financial Crisis.
Read more...Some emerging-market economies look wobbly. How likely are we to see more crises?
Read more...Silicon Valley stars like Apple suffer from financialization—the same ailment that felled GE and Lucent.
Read more...Consumer debt continues to grind upwards.
Read more...Explaining a fundamental error in a widely-touted paper on HAMP modifications.
Read more...Who will feel the pain first in the coming credit squeeze?
Read more...Some of the analytical sleights of hand used to promote the ideology of financializatation.
Read more...How a new paper on HAMP manages, by not understanding the program. to whitewash it as well as promote financialization.
Read more...Michael Hudson on his themes of how banks are mainly funding real estate rather than the economy and the problem of failing to write down debt that can’t be repaid.
Read more...the possibility that the coupon payment on the CoCos issued by a single bank might be suspended led to very adverse dynamics in the entire market for CoCos that cannot be totally explained by banks’ fundamentals.
Read more...FICO is evil.
Read more...More sobering news on the student debt front.