How The Bond Buyer Hyped a Goldman Ripoff of DC Water as “Deal of the Year”
Municipal bond publication The Bond Buyer gives itself a black eye by touting a ripoff of a sewer and water authority as a good deal.
Read more...Municipal bond publication The Bond Buyer gives itself a black eye by touting a ripoff of a sewer and water authority as a good deal.
Read more...Too much finance is highly correlated with slower growth. But which comes first?
Read more...How central banks’ policy remedies have taken big steps backwards.
Read more...Why arguments against work are another manifestation of neoliberalism.
Read more...Be warned: European officials have already starting taking tough moves in the war on cash.
Read more...“Audit the Fed” is likely to become law. It’s about time.
Read more...Forecasts for the US depend heavily on what Trump might actually get done. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard thinks Mr. Market is out over his skis.
Read more...Some specifics of why political risk and central bank policy will make for a wild ride in 2017.
Read more...The discussion of the delayed lift-off in US monetary policy is just the latest episode in a long-lasting debate over the causes of inertia in monetary policy. This column approaches the issue by assuming that psychological drivers can influence the decisions of central bankers. Loss aversion is one source of behavioural bias which can explain delays in changing the stance of monetary policy, including the fear of lift-off after a recession.
Read more...Deutsche came off well in a mortgage settlement with the DoJ, while Barclay’s decision to fight doesn’t look so smart.
Read more...The Monte dei Paschi domino is finally about to fall. But what does that mean in practice?
Read more...Greece tried a surprise move to slip the creditors’ leash. Sadly, it’s not likely to succeed.
Read more...Why you should be worried about the prospect of Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary.
Read more...Why Democrats like Howard Dean believe in and sell austerity snake oil.
Read more...Coming to a municipality near you..