Revealed: ECB Secretly Hands Cash to Select Corporations
Is the ECB’s latest bond-buying program creating corporate winners and losers?
Read more...Is the ECB’s latest bond-buying program creating corporate winners and losers?
Read more...Picking apart the conflation of real capital with finance capital and explaining how that confusion undermines sound analysis of the crisis.
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Read more...Yves here. This is a very important post, and sadly I’m not providing it with the introduction and commentary it warrants because I am scrambling to get organized to get out of town. By Daniela Gabor is associate professor in economics at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Originally published at the Institute […]
Read more...It been remarkable to witness the casual way in which central banks have plunged into negative interest rate terrain, based on questionable models. Now that this experiment isn’t working out so well, the response comes troubling close to, “Well, they work in theory, so we just need to do more or wait longer to see […]
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