Wolf Richter: These Debt Slaves are the Government’s Largest Asset Class, and It Will Haunt the Economy for Years
Student debt isn’t just a millstone around young people’s necks; it’s weighing down the economy.
Read more...Student debt isn’t just a millstone around young people’s necks; it’s weighing down the economy.
Read more...Price deflation, and classic debt deflation dynamics, are staring to appear in India and China.
Read more...Bagehot outlined some of the requirements for global money. Are we closer to a solution?
Read more...Spain demonstrates some of the costs and dislocations created by negative interest rate policies.
Read more...Sadly, mortgage servicers are still very much in the document fabrication and forgery business.
Read more...Investors got a big dose of bad news about the economy and geopolitics and reacted accordingly.
Read more...A debunkng of the claim that finance is special and should be treated accordingly.
Read more...Yves here. Steve Waldman wrote a definitive post in 2009, Capital can’t be measured, on a core issue that Black discusses here. A key section: So, for large complex financials, capital cannot be measured precisely enough to distinguish conservatively solvent from insolvent banks, and capital positions are always optimistically padded. Given these facts, and I […]
Read more...Banks have had it with negative interest rates and are starting to push back.
Read more...Steve Keen’s macroeconomic model allows him to identify zombies-in-the-making. It’s not pretty.
Read more...The officialdom continues to defend the half-hearted effort by the DoJ and SEC to pursue financial services industry misconduct.
Read more...The IMF has not given up on debt relief for Greece, but due to the upcoming Brexit vote, is holding off on the fight until fall.
Read more...The Administration has refused to turn over over 12,000 documents in a lawsuit against how the government operated Fannie and Freddie in their conservatorship. The major bone of contention is that Treasury stripped them of all profits, which damaged the remaining private shareholders. But the unsealing of a small batch of government records shows why […]
Read more...While consumer credit card and mortgage delinquencies are tame, business loan delinquencies have taken a big turn for the worse.
Read more...Chinese officials sent a serious warning about ending debt growth. If they are serious, the shock waves will engulf not just China but also the global economy.