Yale Law Journal: “In Defense of ‘Free Houses'”
State court abuse of the principle of res judicata, out of reluctance to give borrowers “free houses,” encourages poor foreclosure practices and causes broader social harm.
Read more...State court abuse of the principle of res judicata, out of reluctance to give borrowers “free houses,” encourages poor foreclosure practices and causes broader social harm.
Read more...How many of the textbook explanations of the Great Depression were proven wrong, yet despite that, were misapplied to the Great Recession.
Read more...Classical economics recognized the costs of rent extraction, excessive borrowing, and encouraging speculation over commerce. Ideologues have turned those lessons on their head.
Read more...Energy-bust inflicted to banks and other lenders has only just begun to bite.
Read more...Michael Hudson speaks with Justin Ritchie on his favorite topics, such as debt deflation, austerity, classical economists on rentiers, and the coming financial cold war.
Read more...Banks have gotten a painful reminder that originating risky assets like junk bonds and loans can leave them holding the bag.
Read more...The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission released a raft of documents from its 2010 investigation, including interviews with senior government officials like Alan Greenspan, Hank Paulson, and Sheila Bair, as well as other individuals deemed to be prominent like Warren Buffett and subprime short-seller Steve Eisman. It’s hard to see the justification for keeping information from […]
Read more...Boom Bust Boom a wickedly funny but mind-expanding analysis of 2008 crisis driven by the proposition that the capitalist system is inherently unstable.
Read more...Brexit could damage London’s attractiveness as the centre of European banking, as an entry point to the EU and as a global financial hub.
Read more...The IMF is now expected to be the first responder to a financial crisis when it may be less well equipped than in the past.
Read more...It’s astonishing to see Germany take active steps to wreck the Eurozone.
Read more...Private equity funds have launched a host of private credit fund to let them borrow more than banks are allowed to provide. What could go wrong?
Read more...A short history of money, and what that tells you about it.
Read more...Explaining how the Federal Reserve and central bank policies like QE, saved the banks at the expense of wrecking the real economy.
Read more...The overview: “They argue that rather than spending time revising rules that have already been agreed, alternatives should be considered to make the guarantee schemes as effective as possible.” Translation: “Time to go back to the drawing board.”