The IMF Connection with the Ukraine Crisis
You can’t quite say the IMF is the root of all evil. But it sure made a lot of bad situations worse.
Read more...You can’t quite say the IMF is the root of all evil. But it sure made a lot of bad situations worse.
Read more...A short hisory of stagflation and why it’s a pressing risk now.
Read more...More discussion of the current, misguided central bank use of interest rates to combat inflation, and what will probably become stagflation.
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Read more...Some updates on Ukraine, including having gotten caught in the fog of misinformation.
Read more...Russia is scrambling to deal with being shut off Visa and Mastercard.
Read more...News on the partial SWIFT cutoff for Russia was fuzzy. Despite being included, its central bank intervened in FX markets this AM. What gives?
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Read more...Sadly, finacialization is still very much with us, even though policy-makers know better by now.
Read more...Occupy the SEC is back! The small group of lawyers, bank compliance experts, and financial services industry product specialists generated an outside reputation with its highly praised, over 300 page comment letter on Dodd Frank. As wrote: In detailing how they believe the Volcker Rule can be strengthened, Occupy the SEC has written what […]
Read more...Getting out of super low interest rates and unwinding QE is proving to be easier said than done.
Read more...Yves here. Michel Hudson, in this short talk with The Saker, debunks many widespread misperceptions about the dollar, the US economy, and the prospects for fundamental change. I have only a couple of teeny quibbles and a further thought. Hudson discusses private equity buying up single family homes. While that was a very big trend […]
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