In Praise of the Weird
The weird is that which introduces cracks into the edifice of the status quo, liberating possibilities for different futures.
Read more...The weird is that which introduces cracks into the edifice of the status quo, liberating possibilities for different futures.
Read more...An effort to track culture changes over time via diversity of coiffure and attire….but the data has some not-acknowledged biases.
Read more...Prehistory professor Steven Mithen’s “The Language Puzzle” explores the mysteries of when and how we began to speak.
Read more...Students lucky enough to be assigned the books will learn that foreign countries resisting US imperialism aren’t the only danger to “democracy,” but the American people are as well.
Read more...Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process gets tangled up with the EU’s desperate ploys to kick Russian gas reliance.
Read more...What will a future Zeitgeist historian think?
Read more...A discussion of film, even films about death, will hopefully come as a distraction from turbulent news.
Read more...An, erm, novel exercise to present Americans as always on board with good-thinking values like opposing autocratic players.
Read more...In “The Light Eaters,” Zoë Schlanger considers the evidence for plant intelligence, and what that means for humanity.
Read more...Spies, spies everywhere.
Read more...Canada pushes ahead with a pre-hate-crime bill as US states continue with programs to collect data on all types of hate “incidents.” Can “precrime” really prevent hate or are there ulterior motives at hand?
Read more...Russiagate fever reaches a new pitch with a new supposed spook-tells-all tale of Russia fixing the Brexit vote.
Read more...Earth may orbit the sun, but Rebecca Boyle argues that our planet cannot be understood without considering the moon.
Read more...Weighing the evidence for the idea that humans are not alone in having rhythm.
Read more...Nine achievable New Year’s Resolutions.