The Coming Sanctions-Induced Economic Tsunami?
It does not take much in the way of prognostication skills to anticipate that things can get way way worse on the economic front.
Read more...It does not take much in the way of prognostication skills to anticipate that things can get way way worse on the economic front.
Read more...Economist Michael Hudson explains the inflation crisis and warns a “long depression” is coming, due to the new cold war on Russia and China.
Read more...Why the depth of the U.S. securities market will extend dollar hegemony beyond what would seem to be its natural sell-by date.
Read more...The great crypto unwind is underway, bringing to light even more bad practices than you likely knew about.
Read more...Another blockbuster interview with Michael Hudson.
Read more...US-led sanctions are inadvertently undermining post-Second World War dollar dominance. Countries threatened are respond pro-actively.
Read more...Are the coming famines in Africa and parts of Asia an accident or design?
Read more...Looking at the presently insurmountable gap between the West’s probable bid and Russia’s ask to settle the militiary and economic wars.
Read more...How our current “clash of civilizations” is a war between economic models.
Read more...US/allied sanctions against Russia have not achieved their objectives but are worsening economic stagnation, inflation and hunger worldwide.
Read more...Once hailed as South Asia’s ‘success story’, Sri Lanka has faced months of escalating violent unrest.
Read more...On the rise and decline of the dollar system.
Read more...Michael Hudson expliains how the US hopes to benefit from its proxy war with Russia.
Read more...A new book documents the scale and mechanism of the looting of Africa.
Read more...The EU is planning to punch Russia hard with yet another embargo, this of its oil. But will this wind up being more rope a dope?