Sri Lanka Economic Crisis Inflicted by Self-Serving Elite
How the Sri Lanka debt crisis was decades in the making.
Read more...How the Sri Lanka debt crisis was decades in the making.
Read more...Michael Hudson argues that the euro and European economic independence are intended US targets for the war in Ukraine.
Read more...Both the UK’s Government and the Bank of England have gotten suspiciously tetchy over German requests to get its gold back.
Read more...Putin’s gas for roubles plan was over-interpreted by foreign policy experts and media employees, and that’s working out to Russia’s advantage.
Read more...Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff discuss how the economic and ground war over Ukraine is moving geopolitical tectonic plates.
Read more...What Russia is up to and what if anything the West can do continues to dominate the media. Too bad we know so little about what is afoot
Read more...You can’t quite say the IMF is the root of all evil. But it sure made a lot of bad situations worse.
Read more...Gazprom is scheduled to announce what its roubls-for-gas payments stipulations are, even though most Western countries said no, sight unseen.
Read more...Michael Hudson continues to discuss how Western sanctions are undermining the central role of the dollar in US economic dominance.
Read more...Michael Hudson continues his political and financial analysis of the war in Ukraine.
Read more...Michael Hudson answers the Saker’s questions about the ramifications of Russia’s “gas only for roubles if you have been mean to us” measure.
Read more...Attempting to clear some of the fog around the Russia counter-sanction of requiring rouble payment for gas by “unfriendly nations.”
Read more...Clearing up misunderstandings about the Russian move to require unfriendly countries to pay roubles for gas.
Read more...More discussion of the current, misguided central bank use of interest rates to combat inflation, and what will probably become stagflation.
Read more...Michael Hudson revisits how US sanctions will ultimately hurt its economy more than Russisa’s, as crippling the dollar hegemony.