A Hard Look at the Mini-BOT, the Parallel Currency Idea of Italy’s New Ruling Coalition
The mini-BOT has only been sketched out at a high level. How might it work and more important, would it succeed as a parallel currency?
Read more...The mini-BOT has only been sketched out at a high level. How might it work and more important, would it succeed as a parallel currency?
Read more...Italy’s new government makes some opening moves.
Read more...The legendary short seller Jim Chanos in a wide-ranging discussion of financial frauds, starting with cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin is the last thing he’d want to own in the event of a catastrophe.
Read more...The risks of introducing a central bank digital currency are high while the efficiency gains do not seem large. A more efficient system can be achieved via innovation in current payment infrastructure.
Read more...This column documents the formation and evolution of a core and periphery in EMU, unearthing an increasingly integrated core, an entrenched periphery, and a third set of countries marked by in-and-out movements
Read more...Even in the US, which so far has been more lenient toward cryptocurrencies than China, the noose is tightening. Top Bitcoin exchange Coinbase has decided that trying to defy the law, in terms of not complying with a IRS summons requiring it to turn over information about customers who had engaged in more than $20,000 […]
Read more...The ECB isn’t keen about the war on cash.
Read more...Why the IMF’s standard prescription is a poor fit for Tunisia.
Read more...The Trump Administration sees no value in international economic institutions or cooperation, abandoning the role of steward of the system.
Read more...SEC staff letter raises detailed concerns about offering products based on bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to retail investors.
Read more...Some crystal ball gazing for 2018.
Read more...How Argentina’s new neoliberal masters are driving the economy back into its old debt crisis ditch.
Read more...Bitcoin uses a computation system to prevent fraud, but computation takes energy, which damages the environment, all at an increasing rate.
Read more...One year after India launched its demonetization debacle, the economy remains cash based, and Modi has yet to pay politically.
Read more...More confirmation that a cheaper pound won’t help the UK’s trade balance.