Boris “Just Kidding” Johnson Outlines His Rainbows and Unicorns Brexit Plan
Boris Johnson is now the most hated person in the Western world.
Read more...Boris Johnson is now the most hated person in the Western world.
Read more...By Michael Pettis, a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a finance professor at Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management. Cross posted from China Financial Markets. For the past ten years much of what I have written about debt in China was aimed mainly at trying to convince analysts and policymakers […]
Read more...Politicians in the UK and the EU are virtually at each other’s throats over Brexit.
Read more...The unexpected impact of the fall in sterling in 2007-2008 suggests Brexit could produce a drastic drop in UK living standards.
Read more...The Brexit vote was a stunning repudiation of neoliberalism and austerity. But what comes next?
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Read more...Investors got a big dose of bad news about the economy and geopolitics and reacted accordingly.
Read more...The New Abnormal: a period of profound disequilibrium as the aftershocks of the Crisis collide with and complicate structural changes.
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Read more...Sanders’ financial transactions tax plan hasn’t gotten the hearing it deserves.
Read more...As hard as it seems to believe, the IMF is shaping up as a less bad actor in the continuing Greece austerity saga. Germany finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, by contrast, seems emboldened by Merkel’s fallen stature, which couldn’t come at a worse time for Greece.
Read more...A new leak shows the IMF as the least bad actor of the Troika, which given its record as a neoliberal fist in third world countries, speaks volumes about European politics.
Read more...Australia’s macro numbers are looking more worrisome by the minute. Is this a trajectory to a debt crisis?