Ilargi: Square Holes and Currency Pegs
The difficultly of maintaining currency pegs, most important the renminbi and riyal versus the dollar, will put even more stress on financial markets.
Read more...The difficultly of maintaining currency pegs, most important the renminbi and riyal versus the dollar, will put even more stress on financial markets.
Read more...Oil has ratcheted down again and stocks are getting hammered.
Read more...A new article makes a devastating attack on a fundamental belief driving Eurozone policy, that the member economies need to be made more “competitive,” meaning labor needs to be squeezed, for the currency union to achieve more growth.
Read more...China appears to be in denial that it can’t have more open financial markets and maintain the same degree of control over the economy that it once enjoyed.
Read more...A list of some of the factors driving the recent market upheaval in China. Readers will hopefully add to and refine this compilation.
Read more...It is not dollar hegemony that rules the world, but the global financial system which gives the dollar its place of privilege.
Read more...Like Akira Kurosawa’s “Rashomon”, the story of Syriza is also one about a rape told from different, self-serving and contradictory perspectives.
Read more...Objections to the notion of debt-free money.
Read more...How did Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve justify their rate increase now, despite strong signs that there is little economic basis for doing so?
Call this an exercise in twisted logic, plain and simple.
Read more...Why England would be better served by leaving the European Union.
Read more...What the regional manufacturing indices have been saying loud and clear for months have gotten further confirmation….
Read more...uropean creditors want to extract more blood from a stone, in this case Greece.
Read more...Governments and central banks must do away with the last remaining thing that gives people a small semblance of privacy, anonymity, and personal freedom.
Read more...Beware! Liquidity traps are even nastier than you thought.
Read more...Yet another China risk warning.